Week 6 - MBA 6101 - Ascending your Start-up
So far, we have gone through a lot with developing our start-up. We have set a competitive and strategic plan and have adapted to the voice of our customers. Now, we have to pay close attention to how our process is going and what our metrics tell us. We have to align our strategy with them. A great tool that can help you capture information for your metrics is Google Ads. I have used it for the last two weeks and it showed me not only how often my ads were seen/displayed on Google searches but also how attractive it was in terms of clicks to open my ad and phone calls received.
Every company has strengths and weaknesses but not all are powerful. We have to use the superpower that comes from applying your strengths to your weaknesses and leveraging your strength to capture the mindset of your customers. To fully capture the mindset of your customers, you need to find the best way to measure your start-up as a customer-centric company. Note that customer-centricity does not start with your customers but with the employee experience, how satisfied they are at doing what they do and how dedicated they are to making customers happy.
Yu, H. (2021). Ascend your Start-up. Success Publishing. Retrieved from https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08Z5TBC3S/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1
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