Week 6 - MBA 6101 - Surfing the Tsunami
The next step to embracing the big changes that are part of our society and will continue changing how things are done (this means to surf the AI tsunami before it smashes you,) is to become adept in AI, which means to "get directly involved with developing AI, by learning coding and how to work with related data" Kelsey, 2018, p. 118). It is very important that you still continue learning to adapt to and adopt AI, even if you have already done it in the past, You must have the habit to make it part of your life. That is becoming adept in AI.
Fortunately for us, there are plenty of videos and other sources of knowledge on the internet. Some of them are free and some others need you to pay; however, whatever option you pick is worth it if you learn from it. Just make sure you pick the challenging ones too, not only the easy ones. In the book, Surfing the Tsunami, various options are offered. The ones I find more interesting are the games for learning coding and Khan Academy. Games because they are the way how we, humans, learn since we are born; and, Khan Academy because, in my experience, they are good at teaching math. I will certainly try how they teach AI!
Kelsey, T. (2018). Surfing the Tsunami: An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Options for Responding [Kindle version]. RGB Press. Kindle Edition. https://www.amazon.com/Surfing-Tsunami-Introduction-Artificial-Intelligence/dp/1976756340/ref=asc_df_1976756340/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312140868236&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17991021781928711304&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9021703&hvtargid=pla-569007086289&psc=1
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