To build a successful brand for your product and ascend your start-up, you need to ask yourself relevant questions constantly. That will keep you on track and not miss your objectives. Last week, at the beginning of our journey, we responded to five questions:

'Why are you on this journey?',
'What problems are you solving?',
'What does success look like to you?',
'How will you honor your brand?', and
'How will you prepare for the climb?' 

This week we are going to respond to these two more:
'What is Your Minimal Viable Product (MVP)?' and
'How will you pilot your product?'

When you respond to these questions, you are looking for developing your product with only a basic set of features. You do not need to create the perfect product for your start-up. What you need is a perfect, minimal viable product (MVP) that can capture the attention of your first customers by providing them with a unique solution to a problem. 

Bringing your idea to reality may become a messy process if you do not focus on what you want to achieve and what your potential customers need. Your MVP will keep the messiness away and set you moving in the right direction (Yu, 2021, p. 61). At this stage, you should not focus on the features and functionalities of your product yet; you need to define clearly your product and provide a relevant solution for your customers. Before adding features or extra functionalities, it may be a good idea to develop a pilot product to test your idea and evaluate your customers' response to them. Make it simple yet relevant.


Yu, H. (2021). Ascend your Start-up. Success Publishing. 
